Friday, January 20, 2012


Work completely sabotages me. At one point this month I had lost about 5 to 6 lbs. Looking at my progress from day one to today, I have lost only 4 lbs. Which means that work is a terrible thing for losing weight! I have a good job. It is secure and pays the bills while Adam is in school. The problem is that I sit at a computer all day "photoshoping" docs to make them readable for use. It's not bad unless you do it everyday for 8+ hours. What do we do to stay awake?... EAT! I really am trying to take healthy things or at least less unhealthy things, but apparently I need to try harder.
Anyone have any suggestions for healthy and filling snacks? I can only eat carrots so many days in a row before I'm buying the salty chips out of the vending machine. I drink water all day, so I'm good on that. But between 7 and 12:30 is a killer for me. Between getting up at 5 and then staring at a computer, it's a huge struggle to stay awake. And I can only walk around so many times before my boss starts getting on my case.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Goal #1

I have a goal for the month. I would like to say this will be my goal through February, but maybe I will be ambitious and make another goal as I master this one.
My goal is to have only one plate of food. As most of you know, food is AMAZING!! I love food. Reason #1 that I have this blog is because of food and the effects of enjoying it a little too much. And I have a tendency to take more than needed simply because it tastes soo stinkin good.
This goal will help me to eat less and also (hopefully) have some leftover for lunch the next day. That means saving some money too since one meal will be stretched into two. Yay for saving money!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Megs 2.0

I have decided that I have had enough; Enough of my clothes not fitting. Enough of day after day crying because I just don't look cute anymore. Enough of being overweight. Enough of being tired all of the time. Enough, enough ENOUGH!!!
This year, with the help of my awesome husband, I am going to do something about it!!
I am not a dieter, so I'm not even going to pretend. And my schedule is beyond crazy so going to a gym is out. I can, however, watch what I eat: smaller portions, less fast food, more fruits and veggies, less soda, etc. And as for working out, we also got the wii fit for Christmas, and I have been doing a bang-up job. I have yet to miss 2 days in a row. Go me!
So far, since the beginning of the year I have lost about 5 lbs. My goal is to lose about 30 lbs by the end of the year. I would like to fit into my old clothes again.
So here it is... 2012 is going to be the new and improved Megs... Megs 2.0